Sharing Editor


The Sharing Editor allows you to share your ez2view Australia settings with your colleagues and enables you to access your personal ez2view Australia settings from any computer running on the same network.

The Sharing Editor is only available in the Gold Edition.


Image of a Sharing Editor


The following types of Settings can be shared:

By default all settings are created as Private to me. Which means only the person who created the setting can view and edit the details of the setting. You can access your private settings from any computer running on the same network.

To share a setting with your colleagues you must share it explicitly using the Sharing Editor. Select the Share with the following users option from the drop down box. The Add User and Add Everyone buttons will become available. As the buttons suggest, you can share your settings with individual users or make the setting available to everyone.

The list of users to select from is derived from the Windows Access Control List. To share a setting with a specific user enter their windows login user name. A green tick indicates that the user name was correct. If a valid user cannot be found you will need to contact your System Administrator.

User Permissions

Image of a User Permissions Editor

Settings can be shared as either Can Only Read or Can Edit. If the Can Edit option is chosen then the user will have the full access including the ability to change the user permissions and delete the setting. The Can Only Read option allows users to view but not change the setting.

Image of a Sharing Editor with a user added

Once a user has been added for sharing then the Edit and Remove buttons will become available.