DUID Filter Editor


The DUID Filter Editor is used to create filters that select particular units for display, according to criteria that you define.

The DUID Filter Editor is only available in the Gold Edition.


Image of the DUID Filter Editor


The DUID Filter Editor is used to create filters that select particular units for display, according to criteria that you define. You use a DUID filter to control which units are used on the Bids and Offers charts .

You build a DUID filter by adding clauses into the filter - each clause defines criteria that ez2view uses to select the DUID to display. A clause matches a DUID if the statement in the caluse is true for the DUID. Clauses are all of the form "field - operator - value"; for example, a clause that matches a DUID with the identifier of "BW04" may read "Dispatchable Unit ID starts with BW0" where:

  • Field is "Dispatchable Unit ID"
  • Operator is "starts with"
  • Value is "BW0"

Filter Fields

The table below explains the fields that can be used in clauses in a DUID filter. The column headed "Example Filter Clause" provides an example of a clause using the field in question, and the column headed "Example Matching Value" shows an actual value that would match the clause; note that more than one value may match.

Field Description Example Filter Clause Example Matching Value
Dispatchable Unit ID The unique identifier of the DUID, as used by AEMO Dispatchable Unit ID that starts with BW0 BW04
Region The Region in which the DUID is registered with AEMO. Region equal Queensland BARRON-1
Station The identifier of the station to which the unit belongs, as used by AEMO. Station that equals HAZEL HWPS1
Fuel Type The fuel type for the unit. Fuel Type equals Hydro POAT110
Portfolio The trading portfolio to which the unit belongs. Portfolio equals Energy Australia AGLHAL
Supports Service Type The services supported by the unit. Supports Service Type supports LOWER5MIN LOWER5MIN

Filter Expression

The lower portion of the DUID Filter Editor contains a logical expression that joins all the clauses in the filter together. When you add a clause in the top portion of the screen, ez2view automatically adds it into the expression in the lower portion. In an expression, the clause is identified using the label that ez2view allocated when you added the clause (e.g. "Por1").

You can edit the logical expression using any of the standard logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), plus brackets for grouping. The expression shown in the screen image above is an example where the Region and Fuel Type terms are used to find all the gas fired units in NSW or Qld .

Sharing Filters

ez2view Australia enables you to share your filter settings with other colleagues. By default filters are created as private and only accessible by the person who created the setting. By clicking on the Sharing link you can share your filter settings with other ez2view Australia users running on the same network. See the Sharing Editor for instructions on creating and editing your sharing permissions.


Follow the steps indicated in the diagram below to create a DUID filter.

Image of the DUID Filter Editor.